First time in many years that I have travelled with so many smokers. Bad habits: hard to break. On the picture you see some of them trying to get a packet of cigarette out of an automat in the middle of the night. I think they had sucess.
Also the second night of the Tour we visited a club we played on in 2005: Beim Esel. A very nice stage reminding me of what we call a classic ungdomshus in Norway. All was well prepaired.
The first thing we did on sound-check was to get a bowing lection from Mr. Torget. He is a great bower. He has been learning by Toralv Maurstad (Norw. actor) he told us. As a bowing teacher he seemed to be very happy with the rest of the band. We did our best.
Then we played two powerful sets, and very different from saturday. It´s so inspiring to play this music together with musicians that always search new ways. I hope we will continue to seek new solutions throughout the tour. Fantastic audience again (about 70). I think they liked what they heard. Sounded like 200 when they applauded – and they did not stop.
I think we have to record our bowing on a dvd and put it out on uTube. Maybe that´s the reason why people applauded so well? The bowing topped it all. For shure.
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