RÜSSELSHEIM – BERLIN (concert) The german word of the day: NACKENSTÜTZE: für ihnen Reisenkomfort im auto:auflasbar unt velourbeflockt. Olav is trying different types. And diffeerent sleeping situations. Look at that mouth

Busy day. Long day. Had to get on the road at 07.30. We arrived NH hotel in Berlin about 15.00. One hour before Get In at Kulturbrauerei. The concert happened at another place than planned – a nice stage. Machinenhall.
Nice to meet Birgit again. And some friends from Norway showed up. I also did an interview with Jazznytt (thomas and Ida) – had a short walk taking picture. Already five gigs. Eight more to go. We did a nice gig in Berlin - and about fifty people showed up. Look at the pedal board of Gjermund - while you are waiting for the next update

And look at Ingos point of view
And finally. The backstage food occasionally picked:

Busy day. Long day. Had to get on the road at 07.30. We arrived NH hotel in Berlin about 15.00. One hour before Get In at Kulturbrauerei. The concert happened at another place than planned – a nice stage. Machinenhall.
Nice to meet Birgit again. And some friends from Norway showed up. I also did an interview with Jazznytt (thomas and Ida) – had a short walk taking picture. Already five gigs. Eight more to go. We did a nice gig in Berlin - and about fifty people showed up. Look at the pedal board of Gjermund - while you are waiting for the next update
And look at Ingos point of view

And finally. The backstage food occasionally picked:

dear karl + boys, from today on (leipzig,plauen,vienna) life will be good for you, i am shure..i almost can FEEL it!!! an idea for next year is to choose only the solid and best JAZZ clubs/venues.also i think you should have a promo dvs (3 of your best live trax incl solo parts from all 5 of you) to convine promoters that you´re one of the best bands in this genre existing)
all my best thoughts for the coming days... i will meet you next week (paderborn) joachim
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